Normal style: exposure suit is designed with a sharp-angled or ring neckline, collocated with gallus trousers or apron, with free breath holes covering back and oxter; or dust coat. 领口采用尖角或环型设计,下装配有背带裤或围裙设计,背片和腋下开创覆盖式透气孔设计,亦有大褂风衣设计,总之可以根据客户需要进行设计和研制。
Let me pick off the dust on your coat. 我来帮你把外套上的灰尘拍掉。
Discussion on Influence of Putty Dust on Adhesion Between Primer And Inter Coat 原子灰粉尘对底漆与中涂漆附着力影响的探讨
Through the dust coat structural design and suit and other coat comparison of structure design and find their structural similarities between with differences, then for the combination of two provide reliable and transformation of theoretical basis. 通过对风衣结构设计与西服以及其他外套的结构设计进行对比,找出他们之间在结构上的共同点与不同点,进而为二者的结合和转化提供可靠的理论依据。